Tuesday, August 02, 2011

YouTube and 4Life

From the 4Life News Center:

"Distributors are sharing the 4Life message with even greater reach as the 4Life YouTube channel surpasses one million views. Since launching 4Life's YouTube channel in December 2006, 4Life videos have been viewed as many as 12,000 times per day. 4Life leverages social media to communicate with and recognize its worldwide distributors.

Director of Web Services Nelson Altamirano:
What many distributors don’t know is that they can become a 4Life YouTube channel subscriber. Benefits include e-mail notifications whenever a new video is uploaded, plus bulletin announcements, Facebook uploads and link sharing via Twitter. One great example? YouTube subscribers have already been notified about our brand-new 4Life.com video!

The most popular videos on the 4Life YouTube channel currently include: Discover 4Life—Part 1, 4Life Research on American Medical Review, IgA 4Life Transfer Factor®, 4Life Transfer Factor® Cardio, Science, Success, and Service, and 4Life Compound Opportunity. In total, there are over 400 videos posted for distributors to enjoy and share."

Adam Hildebrand, Web Marketing Manager:
The 4Life YouTube channel makes it easy to instantly communicate the message of science, success, and service with family, friends, and prospects. We’re committed to keeping our multi-media content fresh, relevant, and engaging.

For  more information on 4Life Transfer Factor

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